Easter Monday With Who You Want – Monti Mannu



Easter Monday With Who You Want – Monti Mannu

There is a saying that says: “Easter with your … Easter Monday with whoever you want”

Here yesterday I finally managed to go with my family to Monti Mannu But I’ll tell you a little bit Monti Mannu is in Villacidro … in Sardinia, in the province of the Middle Campidano

It is a historic state forest and was established in 1914 with the expropriation of 1536 hectares of land in the upper basin of the Rio Leni

The forest complex develops like a three-pointed star to the east towards the hills of the Campidano di Villacidro

to the south west towards the plain of cixerri

and to the north west up to the peaks of Mount Linas

the area is crossed by paths marked by trekking and mountaineering guides

it is suitable for mountain biking and horseback riding

it is 13 km from the town of Villacidro where a left turn towards montimannu is indicated for those arriving from the 131 take the junction for san gavino ..

continue for villacidro cross the city towards villasor finding the junction for montimannu along the asphalted road .. continue towards the Rio leni .. along it

you leave the paved road .. continuing to the right on the dirt road after 3 km you reach the mine in Canale Serci

we can stop to relax thanks to the presence of numerous wooden tables or stay overnight at the former colony of montimannu, now used as a posada by the foundation of the mining trail of santa barbara

Now I show you some photos of the place

You will spend a beautiful day in the middle of nature … a relaxing walk therefore with a purely sporty clothing what about … a good sandwich .. the right company is going to be fabulous.

Welcome to villacidro in Montimannu

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